


Het Bos
Ankerrui 5-7, Antwerp

Bie Michels - ‘La couleur de la brique’ (2017, 45’)

The 485-kilometer long Ikoma river streams through Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar. In the center of this wide stream lies a mini city, right in the middle of the metropolis. There, the inhabitants make bricks from the sludge from the river. The stirring of the clay or earth, the shaping of the mold and the drying in the sun, the baking of stupa-like construction (field ovens) on the spot and the building of small houses that are directly formed from the earth, is a process that is visible both in the city centre as in the highlands. Not only does her movie question her own positions as a filmer in relation to her subject, she also allows others to collaborate or comment during the creation process. This way, the view or the opinion of the 'outsider(s)' inherently becomes part of the end result.

Bie Michels on ‘Reassemblage’ (1982, 40’)  by Trinh T. Minh-ha
‘The film ‘Reassemblage’ identifies different aspects that are very important to me during the making of my film: looking at the “other”, really being present to what degree and learning from the other. The effect of silences: as if there are doubts about what there is to tell? Actually not having any words. The many eyes, questioning the one-way view.

As far as images are concerned, the film is quite traditional and it responds strongly to our voyeuristic view of other cultures. The people in the film (don’t) receive a(ny) voice (yet), through the inserted silences she emphasizes the typical images and distance that characterized earlier ethnographic and TV documentaries.’’