


Het Bos
Ankerrui 5-7, Antwerp

Katrijn Geeraert & Lisa Matthys - Play! (2017, 19’)

‘Play!’ is a poetic ode to the free play of children. The work shows children playing freely in three different areas: a rural (Iceland), urban (Brussels) and conflict zone (Palestine). As a triptych this work investigates how children use the space they have and everything that is in it. From wide open nature over a densely populated neighbourhood to a 'temporary' refugee camp: how do they take over these places with their games? Could their games represent their daily reality? ‘Play!’ is not only a homage  but also a plea for more free play in our over structured society.

Katrijn Geeraert & Lisa Matthys on Ten (2002, 94’) by Abbas Kiarostami
“'Ten' was one of the first works that showed us that films don't need a classic form to keep one's attention from beginning to end. With a simple view on daily life Kiarostami succeeds in touching your heart and mind. You get into a car and by that, you go into the life of an Iranian woman, and when you get out of it one and a half hours later, you’ve seen  and experienced so much of what life is: emotion, indignation, beauty, ugliness, sadness, compassion, humour, … Impressions that stick with you because the basic setup of the film hides multiple layers that you often make sense of later on. Fantastic cinema that made us want to make films ourselves.”