


Het Bos
Ankerrui 5-7, Antwerp

Gitte Le Bruyn & Joachim Badenhorst

For this audiovisual electronic performance, Joachim Badenhorst gathers material from the album 'Ongerijmde Rijmen' from Zero Years Kid and Sean Scarpio, and Gitte Le Bruyn animates while diving into the piles of sketchbooks and aquarelle paintings of Miljan Vukicevic. Colourful figures are cut out and reused digitally. Girls tumble through the air, cities dance to the sweet tones of the live music.

Gitte Le Bruyn on Dolls Vs. Dictators, (2010, 11’) by Martha Colburn
& Spermaceti (2018, 11’) by Jacky De Groen

‘‘I wanted to preserve the tactile quality of the drawings and the materiality of the paint layers, a quality that I also recognize in her films. I admire Jacky’s film because of the possibility of abstraction. The more she abstracts, the deeper she’s able to penetrate into reality, a film story can be abstract like a painting. I like the use of sound and her individual graphical visual language.’’

“At the moment a film is a song, a fairytale, a poem, a document, propaganda, a mural, etc. … I’m as much into reading and looking art as watching films.” (Martha Colburn)

‘‘What I admire in Martha Colburn’s work is the light-hearted tone that hides much more. She is working on an oeuvre around important events in modern history. I consider her as a boundary crosser with her grotesque, fantastic iconography, confrontations, conflicts, … it makes me laugh and then a wild joy, a brutal and immeasurable life force breaks through.’’