


Het Bos
Ankerrui 5-7, Antwerp

Ben De Raes - ‘Waiting Working Hours’ (2019, 16’)

In Waiting Working Hours we scroll through a digital representation of a Brussels’ neighbourhood that seems to be frozen in timel. Using Google Street View images, De Raes constructs a dialogue on labour and economy by engaging with the day workers who are waiting for work and a better future along the Diksmuidelaan.

Ismaël Joffroy Chandoutis - ‘Maelbeek’ (2020, 15’)

A Tongue Called Mother depicts the relationship between language, gestures and family relationships. The filmmaker meditatively captures the actions and words of three generations of women from the same family. The tactile observations alternate with images of children who learn to read through the use of  repetition.

+ Film of choice: ‘Wishing Well’ (2018, 13’) - Sylvia Schedelbauer

The forest as a metaphor and as a place for personal transformation. Wishing Well expresses a flickering walk in the woods through the eyes of a child. It is a psychedelic journey that is hypnotic through its experimental use of colour, rhythm, light and sound.