


Het Bos
Ankerrui 5-7, Antwerp

Justine Cappelle - Maregrave (2017, 25’)

The sea takes along everything that comes on its path, slowly changing into a graveyard of sunken souls and a collection of human objects. Future generations will not be spared: several experts predict the rise of the sea level. More and more human territory is threatened to become part of the sea's increasing collection. This impressionistic documentary investigates signs of past human decay in order to understand the potential threat of a rising sea.

Justine Cappelle on Hable con ella (2002, 112’) by Pedro Almodóvar                               
“The film that ensured me to go study documentary at Ritcs School of Arts is 'Hable con ella' by Pedro Almodóvar. 'Hable con ella' made me realize, just at the right moment, that cinema is much more than the typical happy ending films. In his film Almodóvar portrays very convincing and human characters. One of the many reasons why Almodóvar inspires me, is in the way he immerses us in Spanish culture.”